Mitigating a broken Normal.mxt

Posted by in ArcMap, GIS

For whatever reason, I’m constantly corrupting my Normal.mxt which causes ArcMap to crash before launching. The remedy is to delete the Normal.mxt at: C:\Users\*USER*\AppData\Roaming\ESRI\Desktop10.3\ArcMap\Templates\Normal.mxt which takes with it all my customization settings, the way my toolbars are set up in the interface and all the custom keyboard settings I have. The last time this happened, […]

My ArcMap keyboard shortcuts

Posted by in ArcMap, GIS

These are the keyboard shortcuts I use to make ArcMap a little more illustrator-like. I think learning keyboard shortcuts is crucial to becoming more efficient and once you get in the habit and practice/force yourself to use them, it will pay dividends in productivity. To set them up, in ArcMap, go to Customize>Customize Mode and […]